Ransomville Speedway
RANSOMVILLE, N.Y. (November 15, 2020) - While nary a lap was turned at Ransomville Speedway in 2020, that didn’t mean the facility laid dormant during the last few months. Speedway management used the extended offseason to complete some needed upgrades to the facility that will have it ready to come back to life even better in 2021.
The first of these projects was the replacement of the catch fence along the front straightaway. The entire length of the frontstretch has brand new fencing with freshly poured supports for the fence posts and a new gate at the start/finish line. This will provide a safer environment for both fans and drivers as well as add to the professional appearance of the track.
One of the biggest issues with the “Big R” during times of inclement weather was the saturation of the parking lot and pit area, which made it difficult for vehicles to get in and out of the property. To combat this the grandstand and pit parking lots, as well as the pit area, have been completely covered with recycled millings to help shore up the grounds. With the parking areas covered this will encourage better draining, and hopefully lead to fewer events being postponed because of wet grounds.
Ransomville Speedway officials are busy putting together a schedule for the 2021 season. Details on special events and the complete season schedule will be published in the coming weeks.
Submitted By: Dave Buchanan